Buyers Tips September 24, 2022




The Atlantic hurricane season lasts from June 1 to November 30.

Don’t be caught, o guard.

Stock up on supplies.

Consult and plan with your family.

Get organized and ready for an emergency. Stay informed so you’ll know when a storm is coming.




The beginning of the season is the best time to develop your emergency response plans. Make sure you have supplies to last at least two weeks.

Create a disaster kit to take with you in case of evacuation:

  • ○  First aid kit, and essential medications (7-day supply)

  • ○  At least 1 gallon of water per person, per day (3-day supply for evacuation).

  • ○  Additional water supplies for pets.

  • ○  Protective clothing, rainwear DBedding or sleeping bagst

  • ○  Battery-powered radio, flashlights, extra batteries

  • ○  Special items for infants, elderly, or disabled

  • ○  Cash (ATMs may not work) Road atlas or paper maps

  • ○  Cell phone with charger

  • ○  Family/emergency contact information

  • ○  Copies of personal documents

    Review your insurance policy and keep a copy in a watertight container. Take it with you if/when you evacuate. Obtain written instructions on how to turn off electricity, gas, and water in case authorities advise you to do so.




Tropical Wave

A cluster of clouds and/or thunderstorms with little or no circulation* or strong wind.

Tropical Depression

An organized system of clouds and/or thunderstorms with some circulation at the surface; highest winds less than 39 mph.

Tropical Storm

An organized system of strong thunderstorms with stronger circulation than tropical depressions. The highest wind speeds are 39-73 mph. These storms can accelerate quickly when they reach tropical storm strength and become hurricanes. Storms are named when they reach tropical storm strength.


An organized system of strong thunderstorms with very strong, pronounced circulation; winds of 74 mph or more.

Tropical Storm or Hurricane Watch

Tropical storm or hurricane conditions pose a possible threat to the area within 36 hours.

Tropical Storm or Hurricane Warning

Tropical storm or hurricane conditions are expected
within 24 hours. *A storm is categorized by its circular wind intensity.




Prepare in advance to evacuate inland to a low-rise hotel, motel, or a friend’s or relative’s home outside the storm area.

Make a list of important phone numbers and pack them in your disaster kit.

Plan your route and an alternate and have a current paper map of the route on hand. Notify family and friends of your plans.

If you need special consideration to evacuate (because of age, physical disability, medical needs, etc.), register in advance with your county’s civil defense and office of emergency management.

Discuss emergency plans with your agency representative and your physician if you receive home health care or depend upon electric life-support equipment. Make arrangements with a hospital if necessary.


Buy and store materials such as plywood and duct tape
necessary to secure your home properly. Pre-drill holes and cut the plywood so you’re ready should a storm occur. Keep trees and shrubs trimmed.

NOTE: Once a hurricane watch or warning has been issued, do not attempt to trim trees and/or shrubs. Trash pickup will be suspended, and your trash can become dangerous missiles in the storm’s high winds.




If you wish to help elderly friends or relatives evacuate, follow these steps:

Plan when you will secure their property and pick them
up when the evacuation order is issued. Keep a checklist of their prescription medications in your emergency plans so you will know what they need to bring.


A little research and planning can save a lot of stress when a storm is forming. Look into options for your pets now.

Most shelters do not accept pets. Identify those that do ahead of time.

Boarding kennels, veterinarians, friends, relatives, or motels that allow pets are possibilities. Call your local Humane Society or your veterinarian for
more information about emergency pet care.


Pay attention to the latest weather updates on local radio and television stations, or online.

If a storm is approaching or has already affected your town, your neighborhood stores will evaluate when to close and reopen based on the needs of the community and the safety of our associates.

Remember, mobile homes and factory-built or prefabricated homes are unsafe in hurricane conditions, no matter how firmly they may be attached to the ground. High-rise apartments and condos must also be evacuated because they are susceptible to conditions that may cause fires during high winds when it’s impossible to get emergency help. Hurricane winds are stronger at higher elevations.




An evacuation order may come from local officials and/or the governor and will be broadcast by zone number. Remain calm, put your emergency plan into action, and ready your family and home. Red Cross shelters are available for people who have nowhere else to go. Do not go to a shelter until you hear an announcement that it is open.

Prepare emergency water storage: Sterilize bathtubs, jugs, cooking utensils, and containers. Scrub thoroughly, sponge with bleach, rinse and let dry; fill with water.

Leave early to avoid traffic or early flooding.

Turn off electricity, water, and gas before you leave.

Unplug major appliances.

Remember your disaster kit. Pack emergency supplies in your vehicle and leave immediately on your preplanned route.

Clear your yard of loose objects such as bicycles, lawn furniture, and trash cans. Anchor objects (no matter how heavy or large) cannot be moved inside.

Secure your boat. Lash it to your trailer securely, let the air out of the trailer tires, and attach it to something sturdy on the ground. If you keep your boat in a marina, check your contract; some require that you move it when a hurricane watch is issued. You are responsible for your boat.

Close all windows and doors, and board wherever possible. Taping glass will not prevent breakage.

Do not drain your pool completely; lower the water level by 6 to 12 inches and add extra chlorine to prevent contamination. Turn off electricity to equipment and cover the pool pump, if exposed.



Store documents and valuables in waterproof containers and secure them in the highest possible spot.

Turn your refrigerator and freezer to the coldest setting, opening only when absolutely necessary.

Freeze water in plastic jugs and containers, and use them to fill empty spaces between refrigerator contents to keep food cool.


Don’t expect to return home immediately. Access to damaged areas will be controlled due to rescue and repair operations.

Avoid driving; leave the roads clear for emergency vehicles.

Report dangling electrical wires and any broken water, gas, or sewer lines to your local utility department. Do not report individual interruptions in power, water, or phone service.

Enter your home with caution. Ceilings, windows, and walls may have been damaged or weakened during the storm.

Beware of snakes, insects, or other animals that are driven to high ground by floodwater.
Be careful with fire. Do not strike a match until you are certain there are no severed gas lines.

Never use a generator inside your home or garage, even if doors and windows are open. Use generators only
outside, more than 20 feet away from your home, doors, and windows.




The public health department may issue a boil-water order for the first 72 hours immediately following the hurricane. Use stored water for drinking or cooking until further notice.


Listen to your local radio stations for emergency medical, food, and housing assistance instructions. Do not call 911 except for emergencies or life-threatening situations. If a storm has affected your community.




Throughout hurricane season, take a look around your home. Make sure you have these emergency supplies always available.

Two-week supply of medicines and/or prescriptions First aid supplies Extra clothing, eyeglasses, etc. Toiletries
Manual can opener

Ice chest and ice
Pillows, blankets, sleeping bags

Quiet games, books, playing cards Portable radio/flashlights and clock with extra batteries
Disposable diapers
Tools, nails, duct tape

Fire extinguisher
Disposable plates, glasses, and utensils Disposable washcloths and paper towels Bleach (without lemon or any additives)
Trash bags
Water storage containers
Fuel can and fuel, canned heat
Portable, battery-powered lanterns
Mosquito repellent




Bottled water (1 gallon per person per day and 1 gallon per pet per day) Powdered or individually packaged drinks Crackers, cereals, cookies, snacks Canned meats, fruits, vegetables, soups, puddings
Special dietary foods

Peanut butter and jelly
Powdered or shelf-pack milk
Dried fruit
Instant coffee and tea
Sugar, powdered creamer, salt, and pepper Pet food
Baby food and formula

For information regarding evacuation zones and emergency shelters, tune in to your local television or radio station, or call your local Red Cross or your country emergency management office. You can also find local and emergency information online.

Buyers Tips September 18, 2022

 20 Importanti Motivi per visitare ed Investire a Miami. 

  1. Grandi Opportunità’ Immobiliari – Il mercato locale offre record di convenienza, in servizi ed incentivi per i venditori: Il 50% del mercato e’ più favorevole rispetto agli ultimi cinque anni; gli acquirenti stranieri possono usufruire di maggiori riduzioni economiche grazie al favorevole cambio con il dollaro americano;
  2. Miglior Mercato per gli Acquirenti Internazionali – La Florida e’ uno dei migliori Stati in U.S. e Miami e’ la città’ che offre il miglior mercato per gli acquirenti internazionali; Si prevede un incremento di vendite che in futuro supererà altri mercati statunitensi.
  3. Condizioni Climatiche Invidiabili – Unica grande metropoli, americana che gode di un clima “subtropicale”; la cui temperatura media e’ di 75F/23C
  4. Spiagge Meravigliose – la Contea di Miami-Dade ha 84 miglia di costa lungo l’Oceano Atlantico, 67 mq di corsi d’acqua nell’entroterra e vanta più di 15 miglia di spiagge, conosciute in tutto il mondo.
  5. Sport ed Attività Acquatiche – Il clima tropicale favorisce lo snorkeling, la vela, la nautica, il kayak, le nuotate, il diving ed altri sporti acquatici oltre alle tradizionali attività’ sportive, durante l’intero anno;
  6. Stile di Vita – uno stile di vita alla portata di chiunque – giovani, famiglie,” baby boomers”, pensionati, celebrità e turisti possono godere di musei, sale per la rappresentazione di mostre artistiche, gallerie d’arte, sports a livello professionistico e bellissimi e comodi centri commerciali dove fare acquisti di ogni genere
  7. Favolosa Vita Notturna – Ocean Drive ed altro – ristoranti di lusso, night club, bar, luoghi di intrattenimento famosi in tutto il mondo
  8. Ristoranti – A Miami si può gustare una cucina internazionale diversa da qualsiasi altra città degli U.S.
  9. Industria dello Spettacolo – I principali centri di moda, agenzie mondiali di top models, settimana della Moda e più di 2,400 films e video prodotti nella città’ di Miami e dintorni
  10. Investimenti Commerciali – A Miami, la percentuale degli spazi vuoti in tutti i settori commerciali, è sotto la media nazionale;
    la domanda di spazi per la vendita al dettaglio o ristorazione e per le palazzine residenziali tali da generare reddito, sta largamente superando i maggiori mercati negli U.S.
  11. “Gateway per le Americhe” – La posizione strategica tra l’America Latina e l’Europa; soprannominata anche “ Capitale delle Americhe” e’ luogo perfetto per fare affari e divertirsi
  12. La Città più Internazionale negli Stati Uniti – quasi il 50% della popolazione e’ nata all’estero e si parlano oltre 100 lingue differenti
  13. Centro Globale per Affari – Finanza, commercio, media, spettacolo e intrattenimento , arti e commercio internazionale; nessuna tassa statale sul reddito ; sede di quasi 1,200 compagnie multinazionali provenienti da 56 nazioni; più di 100 consolati internazionali, uffici di commercio e camere di commercio bi nazionali
  14. Hotels – quinto posto negli Stati Uniti rispetto al numero di turisti e non, dopo New York, Oahu Island, San Francisco e Boston
  15. La Migliore Destinazione Turistica – 12.6 milioni di ospiti in una sola notte – di questi 6 milioni erano approdati in qualità di visitatori internazionali
  16. Snodo Aeroportuale Mondiale – Terzo negli Stati Uniti con 33.5 milioni di passeggeri all’anno; Oltre 80 linee aeree per 120 destinazioni – miglior aeroporto mercantile negli Stati Uniti con 1.8 milioni di tonnellate – 19 miliardi di dollari con riferimento alle entrate commerciali annue
  17. Porto di Miami – “Capitale del Mondo per le Crociere” con più di 4 milioni di passeggeri all’anno; Serve anche 240 porti marittimi; 9 milioni di tonnellate di trasporto navale; principali mercati: Cina, Italia, Hong Kong, Honduras e Brasile
  18. Educazione Scolastica – il quarto distretto scolastico più grande negli Stati Uniti; 5 collegi e Università; 3 Scuole di Legge
  19. Ospedali – 33 ospedali, il Jackson Memorial è uno dei migliori dei 25 ospedali negli Stati Uniti e il Miami Children’s Hospital è classificato come il migliore ospedale pediatrico negli U.S..
  20. Primi in Classifica

Miami offre la maggiore concentrazione di banche internazionali negli Stati Uniti.
Lo “Skyline” di Miami e’ al terzo posto negli Stati Uniti dopo New York City e Chicago ed è il 18° nel mondo 

(Almanacco di Architettura e Design.)
Miami è l’unica città principale negli Stati Uniti circondata da due parchi nazionali, Everglades National Park ad ovest e Biscayne National Park ad Est. 

È fantastico vivere, lavorare e giocare a Miami!

© 2020 MiamiRealtors | 090220 

Buyers Tips July 30, 2022

Born and raised in Italy. moved to the United States in 2015 and has always been fascinated by the real estate sector. He realized that this would be his vocation, therefore I started working with real estate investors which led to getting my license.

I love to make people happy. Helping buyers find the right house and sellers to find the right buyer is my primary goal. Working with me, Clients enjoy a level of comfort, confidence, and trust that only Coldwell Banker can provide. For over 110 years we have established ourselves as the leaders locally, regionally, and worldwide in the industry.

I commit to all of my clients with honesty, integrity, and respect. With many years of sales experience combined with my extensive market knowledge and insight, I am able to give a distinct edge that benefits you in today’s highly competitive market.

I genuinely love the process, of nurturing and helping create your hopes become a reality. To be part of a new and exciting chapter, one that I was pivotal in, warms my spirit and heart.

Hi, my name is Salvatore Domina and I am with Coldwell Banker Realty.

I wanted to introduce myself and give you some information about me.

I can offer a wealth of knowledge and services to assist in all your real estate needs. My website has all the same features as the large national websites but still keeps my local, friendly, customer-oriented approach. Feel free to view as many homes as you like, save the ones that appeal to you, and ask as many questions as you need. I will happily work with you to find and purchase the perfect home.

Be sure to sign up for daily alerts of homes for sale so you know the instant your dream house hits the market.

Remember that buying your new home may depend on selling your current home. I will be happy to evaluate and market your home for you. If you live outside my area, I can refer you to one of my many associates around the country.

If you need anything, you can contact me.